UPDATE: This project has culminated in the following piece posted at
Thanks to all the mail artists, non mail artists, and perfect strangers for your participation!!!!
this is a place to post my collage, found object art, recycled furniture, trashpo, poetry, mail art, and random musings
first suggestion is in!
Don't rush your wife in the store
Don't store your wife.
Lol jb
The first results of the Life Suggestion Box from the Elgin Fringe Festival are in!!
Relax Enjoy the Show
Practice Pre-emptive Forgiveness
floss daily
love more
avoid depressed friend at all cost
don't take life too serious
more cow bell
expectations are pre-meditated resents preempt them
i think my new saying 'bestie from another testie' should be more popular
the world needs to discover mermaids
more entries in
don't bite off more than you can taste
always 'marry up' like Vizma
i forgot #3
fuck life
if you jump off a clip, pick one with a view
eat more turtles, poop more fish
never let anyone rent space inside your head
live in the moment Carpe Diem!
you only live once , or is it twice?
life is short, so eat dessert first!
make art everyday!!
This from the venerable and highly esteemed mail artist, Richard CanardDare Ms, Diane K.,...Your plea for the "Life Suggestions" Box " has been up a full day on the IUOMA bulletin board & no one has dared to offer anything??? ...could it possibly be that we mail artists are so busy stuffing envelopes, making doodles, contemplating the hidden virtues of trash & reading over each other's shoulder that we don't really know anything about life???.... duh, Richard Again
live life one day at a time....tomorrow
timing is everything
back it up
what does not kill me makes me stronger
be careful what you ask for
one man's ceiling is another man's floor
too much aint enough
always leave on a high note
i don't want to be anywhere I'm not wanted
nobody loves you when you're down and out
give em enough rope
nothing is sacred
Get used to everything being what it is not
strength, peace, and venus
get used to everything being what it is not
beware the wolf in sheep's clothing
give love freely make love wisely be love always and life will be lovely
put the stuff you use most on the shelf that's easiest to reach
give life, give mail art
crafting each day keeps the crazies away
nothing is as it should be
keep looking down
if a foolproof system is devized a more perfect fool will arize
do something foolish every day to test the universe
more acceptance
less judgment
don't shut anyone out
don't let insecurity and competition drive you to seek cliques
cliques allow people to feel like part of the 'in' crowd by making others feel out
disenfranchised people often resort to violence after feeling years of isolation and rejection
If you feel like uttering a pearl of wisdom, swallow it
To be popular, spew the candyfloss of flattery
fabulous M!! going in the box
To be popular, spew the candyfloss of flattery
Never repeat yourself! It's boring
Never break two laws at the same time
quote from the famous comedian Lachlan Patterson
Life is a great teacher; pity there are few great pupils
Thanks JB--btw our TLP looks crazy good!!!!
Yeah, it's a beaut!
get a life
maybe they got their coverage from Verizon? (pic of adam and eve)
ask what and why but not where and when
don't pack it when you move. you'll never find it again
try to be positive a negative outlook leads to a negative life style (sometimes it's not possible, just do your best)
you should have a Dalek in here
get life-sized Dr Who character for window display to draw customers
more trees and less polution please!
i want wings
put a full sized doctor who character in the front window area to draw in customers!
just keep swimming "Dori" Finding Nemo
Glide thru space-by any means possible! -skateboard, bicycle, ultralight plane, glider, swimming, jetski, feel free!
always carry an umbrella
everything is a potential trajedy-or, a better option, a joke!
go to wrestlemania
cry to "all of me"
squiggly lines
don't make your partner (boyfriend/girlfriend/other partner) jealous, it never ends well
listen to John Legend
please recycle
replenishing chips the fresher ones should go in the back rather than in the front
we all NEED to be nicer to each other.
Treat Everyone Well and good will follow!
let people (any age) (anyone) make and display their doctor who artwork
i love mom
get a dog to fully enjoy life
If Nadia Katchurina or Nicolai Katchurina read this- I am your lost daughter! I am doing well in America and I have an amazing future ahead of me --Emma Yevdokia
Don't stay in bed in the dark if you can't get to sleep. The resulting altered state is not pretty
get rid of money
Coffee is your friend! -sillyfrosty
Drawing Contest and partie
Name Billee
Apartment 208
Treat everything with love. Let go of jelousy, anxiety, frustration. Just Breath... Love Every Step You Take
Live life to the fullest dont let a day slip away
try to please your wife a happy wife a happy life!
Eat good food
Be respectful
Be good at others
be safe
help others
this just in:
Smoke weed everyday
line up ladies!
Veve you're so last season i'm gonna push your buttons
you're hot
my suggestion
Life's Suggestions..indigestions..congestions... What goes up must come down
If life is really a gift then make it one you want (not tube socks)
Eat more pie. It's as simple as that4
imagine you're having a heart attack you wish you could go back fifteen minutes in time to when your life was still normal. Imagine your wish has been granted. repeat as necessary
Truly discover the joy of living alone. That's when the love of your life will appear from out of nowhere when you least want it! The universe works to frustrate our intentions. But in this case you've outsmarted it.
never ask what time it is. It's always the same time. TIME TO WAKE UP!!
Live it like you stole it. Go for a life-long joy ride!!
Life suggestion a la grec: nothing to excess
Aristotle the Greek "No Pain No Gain"
aristotle the greek: well begun is half done
Quote by Kazantzakis written in Greek!!
know thyself
sOME new Life Suggestions Just in from the land Down Under!
don't just stand there! worry!
to be successful brains, like business people, have to be well connected
do not reveal anything that you do not want to be used in evidence later
same shit different day
live the dream, eat ice cream
don't cross the road without looking
do what your heart tells you to
1. get 5 million respect
2. stay healthy
3make sure you don't get too fat or too skinny
watch what you eat be healthy
don't end up like Nikki minaj
stay calm don't freak out
don't be too strict
be kind to others they will respect you in return
make friends, but the RIGHT friends
make sure to use the bathroom when you need to and be way careful you do things for people and not be lazy
art saves lives
don't give up
love all the people. now
that which does not kill me makes me stronger
Which Witch?
This in from Nancy Bell Scott:
Life is a job-Father Frido Sarducci, SNL
Don't go into a store where they don't speak good English and ask for Caulk
Just in!
Black bugs make their homes in homes
Pebble paths make home feel like the beach
Nail a sandwich to your front door; make sure it has enough mayo in it.
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